At The Fork of The Road


We see someone as a celebrity because he/she/it is well-known through any kind of medium, be it newspaper, magazines, radio, television, or the internet. Generally, a singer can be celebrity. A writer can be a celebrity. An athlete can be a celebrity. Oh, and Youtuber too. 

What about you? Frankly speaking, I wouldn't say no. If your actions set fire in the hearts of general public, felicitiazione! ('congratulations' in Italian, you're welcome)

Growing a pair of balls has never been easy, that's why I'm still a nobody. :') But anyway, let's talk about how I define a 'celebrity'.

A hated celebrity is still a celebrity. 

In Malaysia, celebrity are usually categorized stereotypically. If you're not a celebrity loved by many, you're nothing more than a LOA (lack of attention). Najib is definitely a celebrity because he's our prime minister. There's nothing he do you can hate. Fuck what I've just said.

When we call one celebrity, we shape them using these Must-Have-Qualities don't we? Looks, talents, noteworthy achievements. If an individual is associated with wealth, he/she/it is unquestionably a celebrity. It would usually lead to statements like 'Just because you're famous that doesn't make you a celebrity' otherwise.

To many, celebrity is defined this way. 

To me,  certain amount of medium attention makes one a celebrity. Ugly or pretty, ordinary or prodigious, talent or talentless, if people know him/her/it, there's no doubt he/she/it can be called celebrity. 

That's why, criminals can be celebrity too.

Until next time.